Guest blogger Jenna Phillips
It's hard to face the truth sometimes. What's even harder is actually admitting the truth to our biggest critic - our SELF. Each and everyday we look at ourselves in the mirror. We usually look for what needs to be fixed, rather than celebrate what is already awesome about us. We pass by mirrors all the time and our reflection is pretty much unavoidable. we use our smartphones, windows, and spoons to make sure we look alright. When we're on dates we excuse ourselves to the bathroom so we can be certain that everything is in place. No food stuck in your teeth? Check. Shirt is straight? Check. Obvious receding hair line? Check..."Damn," you say to yourself, "I hope she can't really tell that I'm totally balding." Do people know I'm balding? Well, I have news for you: she can. Does she care? Maybe. Maybe not. I'll have to say that I'm pretty sure you're the one who cares more than anyone else. Why haven't you done anything about it yet?
learn more about laser hair therapy
"My dad is bald, so I'm screwed."
"I've tried every product out there, and nothing works."
"I'm totally fine with being bald, and it doesn't affect my confidence."
None of the above is true. Just because your dad has a shiny head, it doesn't mean that you have to. There are treatments that can help reverse or prevent that. You clearly haven't tried everything out there, because if you had, you would've discovered the products that helped MY hair grow back in . Yes, even women suffer from hair loss. And LASTLY, there are few things sexier than having a full head of hair. I've never met a balding man who didn't wish for a younger-looking hairline.
Don't be in denial. Do something about your hair, and be proactive. There is a solution for everything, unless you choose to give up. Nothing is impossible. I know that better than most people ever will. If I can make a full recovery from a head trauma accident, a coma, and brain damage - you can regrow your hair, naturally. Check it out for yourself and see what's possible.
Love all that is you,
Jenna xox